Teaching Associate 费豁免

CSU Executive Order 611 grants campuses the authority to offer 学费减免 programs for Teaching Associates. In recognition of the important contribution our Teaching Associates make to the campus community, University Policy S05-9 [pdf] authorizes San José State University to offer tuition fee waivers to Teaching Associates.

Eligibility Requirements


  • 提交 Teaching Associate 费豁免 应用程序 [pdf] to your hiring department to begin the process
  • Teaching Associate who are receiving federal/state financial aid, including any state grants, scholarship, or fellowships must contact 卡洛琳Guel, 408-924-6083 at the Financial Aid & 奖学金办公室. Receiving the tuition fee waiver can affect 他们的经济援助.
  • Special session and self-support courses are not eligible for fee waiver.

Fees waived during the teaching semester

  • Mandatory campus miscellaneous fees
  • Mandatory state university fees


  • 1-6 units are covered for a time base of .10-.20 or
  • More than 6 units for a time base above .20

问题? 联系 学费减免 Program Coordinator for more information.